OneDegree, 2021
Virtual Pet Insurance: Insights from User Research
Since virtual insurance was still new to the market, we wanted to understand why pet owners chose OneDegree and how they experienced the virtual insurance journey—from purchasing policies to filing claims—to see what we should improve for the next step.
Following this research, I created the following items to help the team better understand our customers:
A journey map of pet owners
3 pet owner personas
Jan 2021: Planning,
Feb 2021: Data collection,
Mar 2021: Data analysis
User research. Planned and conducted remote user interviews, performed qualitative data analysis, provided design suggestions, and created and shared reports with teams.
Research Mentor: Ivy Huang
Researcher: Tuan Wu
Interviewer: Yolanda Wan, Tuan Wu, Robert Chang, Ivy Huang
Participant recruiting: Ivy Huang, Tuan Wu, Anthony Lin
Pilot test interviewee: Becky Tam, Tracy Tou
01 Background
By April 2021, our first insurance product, Pawfect Care, had been on the market for about a year.
Since virtual insurance was still new to the market, we wanted to understand why pet owners chose and trusted us and learn about their actual experience throughout the entire insurance process to identify what we should improve for the next step.
02 Why did we do this research
03 What we want to know
What things would pet owners consider when selecting pet insurance?
How do pet owners understand the policy?
How’s their journey after purchasing pet insurance? What will they do? What information will they need?
What’s the purpose of pet owners to log in to the OD portal?
What’s the problem they may encounter when filing a claim?
04 How was the process
Remote Interview (about 50min)
Participants would be asked to share their experience and the problems they had encountered, focusing on the below topic:
Past insurance experience and insurance understanding.
The entire journey of pet insurance, including the reason to purchase, the things to consider when selecting pet insurance, the experience of seeing a vet after purchasing pet insurance, and the process for the claim and policy management.
17 OneDegree pet insurance policyholders
Age range from 20 to 49 years old.
10 male, 7 female.
All of them have at least 1 OneDegree pet policy.
All of them have logged in to OneDegree portal at least once in the last 3 months.
16 of them have completed the claim at least 3 times.
05 Key Finding
Experience needs to be improved: Claim Experience of Online And Offline
After analyzing the qualitative data of users’ feedback from interviews, we found that the most destructive issues are not in our online purchase flow.
(Pet Owner Insurance Journey)
3 Main Issues
I collected users’ quotes from the interviews and found three main issues with our offline claim process cooperating with vet clinics.
3 types of Pet Owners
I also built the personas of different owner types based on how they understand pet insurance products and terms, what strategies they follow when considering an insurance plan, and what was the experience of taking their pets to the vet.
By these personas, I suggested our Marketing team focus on our target users as those who belong to the type of Learn From Savvy since if someone recommends OneDegree Pet Insurance, they are the people most likely to buy.
Our marketing team pushes the referral campaign firmly after our research.
Learn About The Campagin
06 Suggestion & Impact
Suggestions for improving the Pet Insurance experience
I provided 7 suggestions and differentiate their priority, for our team to evaluate which enhancement should we go first to improve our online and offline experience for users to submit claims.
(Example 1 of improvement suggestion)
(Example 2 of improvement suggestion)
(Priority charts for evaluating which to improve first)